Saturday, April 10, 2010

It's 100!

It's my 100th post! 

What have I been blogging about to make 100! Only seems like 5 minutes ago I was excited about getting my blog back, after it had been hijacked. That was back in February 2009!

How glorious was today?  Sun was out, and it wasn't too hot. I'm not a sun worshiper in any shape or form. I do really prefer the winter months, mainly as it doesn't effect my eczema as much as the heat does. It has already starting flaring up. Backs of knees, stomach, hips, and groin area, but I wasn't going to let today pass without making some summery jewellery and accessories.

So I made this...

and this...

Both are available at Sprinkles Sparkles on Misi to buy!

Hope you are all enjoying your Easter Eggs as much as I STILL am!

Sprinks xx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say, Congratulations on reaching your 100th post!!! When's the party?

Your summery items are gooooorgeous! So lovely!

Isn't eczema a bummer though?! Mine is bothering me at the mo, just over the last few days its been flaring up and it drives me insane!!
Hope you get some relief from yours.

Love Kitty xXx